About Celestial Skies ;; Labels
I started Web Design when I was around 14, I believe. All my friends had websites, and I visited theirs' a lot. I thought they were so cool, in their simplicity. (No offense! ><) This is what inspired me to start my own site.
I searched the internet for information on web design, but unfortunately, I couldn't understand anything. I came across Geocities, Got permission from my parents, and soon signed up for a free website. It was the most simplistic site ever! There were links all over the place, and it looked extremely sloppy and unorganized. I knew nothing. But as I kept up with web design, I improved. I learned a little HTML here and there, and then some CSS. Life was good.
I retained the name "Celestial Skies" for my second website, but basically just changed the content and layout around, and added a "Version Avril" at the end. It lasted for a little while. It was just lacking in uhm...every aspect of web design.
Eventually, I moved to Tripod. That's when I stopped using PageBuilders. I started learning more HTML, enough to make web pages look at least decent. I had a lot of help from people along the way, because I uhm...sucked. Anyway, moving on...I opened up Celestial Skies Version Succubus. And here I am now, with one of my favorite layouts ever simply because it's all done correctly. It looks simple, but that's all I need now.
Creating Celestial Skies
I wrote all my HTML in Notepad, and all my CSS in WordPad. I use Paint Shop Pro 7 to edit, enhance, and create all my graphics and images.
For further information, see Credits.