My friends ;;
Love & Affection ; Real Life ; Online

I've got some great ones, but now I'll start with my favorite, one of my best friends, and also my boyfriend.

Elijah- Ah. I love this boy. He's the reason I get up on those mornings when my throat is dry, and I feel ill, and so exhausted. I don't know what else to say, he's amazing. I lucked out. I love 'im... More than I love me. : / I think he's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I can go to him for everything, and that's why we work so seamlessly. We have great communication. I tell him everything, and vice versa. Nothing could ever break us apart. Not even Death, I believe.^^

Real Life
Real life... Got some interesting ones.

Lisa- This friendship has been up and down, and we're not nearly as close now as we used to be, but we stay after school with each other...Does that count? oO;
Kendra- Kendra has been my friend since the beginning of my Sophomore year. We just recently became closer friends, but I think if we give it time, we'll be even better friends. I love talking and hanging out with her. It's refreshing to hear words of intelligence once in a while. Kendra is cool.
Heather- Yeah. I'm my own best friend. No, just kidding. I've known Heather since I think... Sixth grade. She's really cool. We do everything together. I go to her when I feel like having fun.
Jane- She's a strange one... LOL. Not really. I met her in eighth grade, too. She's pretty cool. Always has something to say, this one...Kinda scares me sometimes.
Leah & Kira- Leah and Kira! Yay! I've known Leah and Kira since KINDERGARTEN! XD! That's a long time. They're also some best friends. They've always been there for me. All the time. They're such good friends. One time Leah organized a surprise B-day party for me. It was awesome. Kira... I go to her for advice if I need to, she's very intelligent. She has a boyfriend. They look good together. Leah is a good cook. She used to cook when we were little. I, however, still can't cook crap...
Brooke- Brooke is cool. She's Leah and Kira's cousin.^^ We've been friends for a long time, too. We don't talk much anymore. I miss you, Brooke. :/
Lesley, Jackie, Kim, Alicia, Allie, Clay- Woohoo! XD! I didn't make a seperate place for these people, cuz I don't know them THAT well. We're friends, though. All of them are really kewl, and have different attitudes. Lesley is always hyper, always entertaining. Jackie is hyper sometimes, sometimes serious. She's cool, I like her shoes. :/ Kim, I don't know too well, but she wears contacts... like me! She's a cool person to be around. Funny. Alicia is hard to describe. She's funny, hyper, and sometimes none of those things at all. Oo; She has a boyfriend named Stewart. He's funny. Calls me 'Feathers'. Allie tends to keep to herself a lot, and she's closer to Jackie than anyone else. She's still a cool person. I love her writing. We hang out sometimes after school if I'm stuck there. Clay is a cool guy. He's funny, intelligent, and doesn't mind sitting with the girls. ^^ He's always been really nice to me, and everyone. 'I like dat guy'. XD!
Kevin- Kevin is one of my...uhm...two other "real guy friends". He's really funny, and a bit on the perverted side, but it's okay because he at least still has a biiiig heart. ^_^ He has a girlfriend, and she's really sweet. He really takes care of her. Isn't that sweet?
Will/Billiam- Will is a really goofy guy. Even though he likes to suck ass to get what he wants, he's really fucking cool. Lmao Will, you know I'm kidding. But you do really kick ass. Anyway, ahem...Will is very diligent when it comes to his schoolwork, and he is extremely intelligent. He carries the entire Sophomore class. Without him, we would all be lost. Yes, lost. Muah.

I have MANY online friends, so dun be mad if I leave you out. I didn't mean to. : /

Kassie- I met her when I first went to bravenet, she was the first one who accepted me. She's really nice, and accepting. I care about her a great deal. She has always been here for me, and I would do anything for her. She's such a sweetheart. Love 'er! XD
Melissa- Mel is really cool. She became my RP mom in Bravenet, and soon we became friends. We've been in fights, but I still love 'er. She has a website, too. She's really funny.
Stephanie/Usagi- I've also known her for a long time, since I started going to Bravenet. At first we didn't like each other, but we became friends. I love 'er!
Stephanie#2/Iris- I met her in Bravenet too. She's always been a good friend. Our otaku senshi used to be partners. Sailor Cloud, and Sailor Universe. Yep. It was fun.
Lauren- Lauren is really cool. I go to her for advice on everything. She's so smart, and she's also gorgeous! She's really nice, too. She always sticks by me, even if I'm in a bitchy mood. I love 'er!
Greg- Greg is funny. His sarcasm can always make me laugh. We met in Bravenet, too. We've never been really close, but he's still fun to talk to.
Shane- Okay, this is the coolest guy! XD He's really sweet, smart, funny, and he always has great advice! He's with Stephanie#1, and they're really cute together! Lisa loves 'im. Lol. They're good friends, I guess.
Ryu-chan/Stacy- I've known her for a longggg time. I met her in Bravenet. She's really smart, and has always helped me when I needed it. She's with HD... my next person.
Holy Dragon- HD has always been my brother. He's really nice. He's always helped me, and protected me in RP. His brother, Bahamut3000, has also done cool things for me.
AoD, Nitae, Kea-chan, Keiko~Angel- AngelofDeath is another one of my RP moms/grandmas. oO; She used to be my bitch, but I guess she moved on... She's really funny. I love her! XD Nitae Huntress, or Nitsy as we call her, is my RP sister. She's really nice, and somewhat more reseved than most of these people in this 'group'. She's still cool. ^^ Keaton- Ah... What to say about Keaton... She's funny. Sometimes perverted, but funny. Cool person, she is. XD She was my bitch at some point too... Keiko~Angel- Keiko used to be my RP sister. She left, I think. We were never that close. It's a shame.
~*CC*~- CC is so funny. She makes me laugh all the time. Those damn llamas do it, I tell you! :D She's really nice, and easy to talk to. I love my biatch! Er... biatch[s]...Sssss...oO;;;; Anyway... XD!!!
CM x TeNsHi- CM is really cool. She and CC are friends too. CM ish also humorous, and she can draw. oO;...

Mike- Lisa's ex hunny-buns. o_O He's really cool, I consider him a friend. (Sorry I forgot you!) He's always there to talk to me, and always helps me when I need it. And if Lisa's angry at me, he helps me out in that department too. ^^
One time Lisa and I called him from a payphone at Holiday after school. That same day we went skateboarding, and I think broke a law...Huh. Anyway, that's when Mike found out how weird I was. Lisa handed me over the phone and I did some weird animal impressions...While Lisa pretended she was a retarded person and talked to old ladies...Mike's cool, and has tons of patience. He still genuinely cares for Lisa. He's always concerned about her, and her friends too. Great guy, Mike is.

Kelsi- Kelsi is the coolest younger person I know. She totally kicks ass. She's young, and has her own website. She's also smart for her age. I like that...She's pretty damn sharp. She gets bullied at her school, but don't worry hun, some states have made bullying punishable. Maybe soon, people will be punished when they bully you. Or, you know, I could go over there with a lead pipe...And end up being charged with assult and shit...Yeah. ^_^; At least I can protect Kel online. Well, I try. Yeah...That's about it.
Rock on, Kelsi. ^_^

Lyssa- I met Lyssa on a Zwan/Pumpkisn message board called Western Avenue. She's really funny, and really cool. We've been going through weird stuff, due to problems on WA...but I think we are okay. ^^

Seraph/Daniel- We just recently began talking, I met him on WA also. He's nice, and he helps me with a wide range of things. He's very intelligent, and I respect him...despite the perverted moods he is in at times. oO; That's all I have to say now...

That's all I can remember for now... If I forgot you, please IM, or e-mail me. :D